screenandscrew04.10.2023Auger, Screwauger, screwWhat does the screw consist of?A separator screw is a rotating element that is used to move and separate materials into solid and w…Read More
screenandscrew06.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveSieve ResourcesSlotted (or sleeper) screens are the main component for screw separators and other equipment capable…Read More
screenandscrew05.06.2023Screen, Sieve4screen, sieveSieve materialsSlotted sieves are made of durable stainless steel (materials such as ferrite, austenite, duplex, an…Read More
screenandscrew03.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveOperating principleSlotted (or sleeper) sieves are used primarily in the process of separating various raw materials in…Read More
screenandscrew02.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveTypes of sieveMost often, sieves are used in the separation process to separate substances into liquid and solid f…Read More
screenandscrew02.06.2023Auger, Screwauger, screwMethod of manufacturing a slotted screenSlotted sieve can be manufactured using different technologies. Each method has its own advantages a…Read More
screenandscrew02.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveCharacteristics of the sievesSlotted sieves are important tools for filtering, sorting and separating materials into different pa…Read More
screenandscrew02.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveWhat is a spalt (slot) sieve?A sleeper (or slotted) sieve is a tool used to separate (or separate) particles or matter from a mix…Read More
screenandscrew02.06.2023Auger, Screwauger, screwCare of the augerTo ensure that the auger retains its service life for as long as possible and to ensure efficient op…Read More
screenandscrew01.06.2023Auger, Screwauger, screwHidden auger parametersApart from the obvious parameters such as dimensions, materials and shape, the quality of a separato…Read More
screenandscrew01.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveAreas of application of sievesSlotted (sleeper) sieves are an effective component that can be used in a huge range of different in…Read More
screenandscrew01.06.2023Auger, Screw2auger, screwScrew rebuilding technologyThe technology of recovery of separator screw consists in restoration of geometrical parameters, sur…Read More
screenandscrew01.06.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveTypes of screensSieves can differ from each other in terms of mesh size, hole shape, material of manufacture, method…Read More
screenandscrew23.05.2023Screen, Sieve2screen, sieveScreen designThe design of slotted screens can vary depending on their application, but generally they consist of…Read More
screenandscrew21.05.2023Auger, Screwauger, screwHow long can a screw last?Avoiding overloading is an important recommendation for auger care. The auger is designed for specif…Read More
screenandscrew19.05.2023Auger, Screw1auger, screwWhy does the screw deteriorate?The auger, like absolutely any equipment, may sooner or later come to the end of its service life. H…Read More
screenandscrew14.05.2023Screen, Sievescreen, sieveMesh size of sleeper (slotted) sieveThe mesh size of the sieves is an important parameter for their selection and depends on the specifi…Read More