What does the screw consist of?
A separator screw is a rotating element that is used to move and separate materials into solid and wet fractions within a separator. It consists of several major components including: The auger turns (or auger feathers) are the main element of an auger, which is a spiral blade formed from a metal band. The coils…
Method of manufacturing a slotted screen
Slotted sieve can be manufactured using different technologies. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of slotted sieve manufacturing method will depend on the desired request: mesh size, material and production volume. Weaving One of the most popular methods includes weaving. Weaving is a sieve manufacturing method in which wire mesh is…
Care of the auger
To ensure that the auger retains its service life for as long as possible and to ensure efficient operation of the separator auger, it must be properly maintained by following the care recommendations. Check the auger regularly. Regular inspection of the auger is an important maintenance recommendation, as it allows you to detect any defects…
Hidden auger parameters
Apart from the obvious parameters such as dimensions, materials and shape, the quality of a separator screw may depend on several hidden parameters that may be important in its selection and operation. Some of these hidden indicators may include: Strength and wear resistance. These are indicators that may be difficult to determine immediately when looking…
Screw rebuilding technology
The technology of recovery of separator screw consists in restoration of geometrical parameters, surface layer and strength, which allows to reuse it instead of buying a new one. The basic process of auger recovery includes the following steps: Cleaning: before starting the auger refurbishment work, the auger must be thoroughly cleaned of product residues, plaque…
How long can a screw last?
Avoiding overloading is an important recommendation for auger care. The auger is designed for specific tasks and has certain load limits. If these limits are exceeded, the auger can be overloaded, which can lead to deformation, wear and even breakage. To avoid overloading, the auger must be monitored and its working load must not be…
Why does the screw deteriorate?
The auger, like absolutely any equipment, may sooner or later come to the end of its service life. However, its duration depends on many factors that can render the auger unusable. Let’s consider the most common reasons. Material wear Material wear is one of the main reasons why an auger becomes unusable. The auger material…

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